
Meteor Echo Listening Frequencies in the Midwest

I have set up two RTL-SDR dongles on two laptops. One is tuned to RF TV channel 2 (55.24 MHz) and the other to RF TV channel 3 (61.24 MHz.) I have been getting independent meteor pings on both of them. Occasionally though a strong ping on one seems to have a corresponding faint ping on the other, with a time delay, which I assume means they are both picking up the same meteor as it travels across the sky. I am fairly sure channel 2 is located in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. However I have no idea of the channel 3 TV station location. To get a better understanding of this I have created a map of all full power TV stations around my area (Minneapolis) transmitting on channels 2 and 3. Once I get more observations I will post snapshots of related pings. Here is the map.

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