
Software for Meteor Echo Detection

There are basically two types softwares available for meteor radio echo detection. I distinguish them as either direct mode or indirect mode. Direct mode software will take the input from an SDR via USB, process the signal, and present the data in both audible and visible (spectrum, waterfall) form. Indirect mode software only accepts data via an audio signal (ie from a radio) and then presents the data in visible form. Some softwares can operate in both ways. Note most of these softwares were not specifically developed for meteor detection, but are adapted by the user for such. Here is a list of some of them:


SDRSharp is a direct mode leading software package designed for the Airspy series of SDRs. It also will operate other SDRs with some additional drivers and libraries such as the low cost RTL-SDR, a popular SDR for meteor detection. For me it does not work well for meteor echo detection using the Airspy SDRS as they have a hole in the frequency range coverage I monitor, so an up-converter is required. It does work however with other SDRs that don't have that limitation. Only a Windows version is available. SDRSharp can be found here.

SDR Radio

SDR Radio is another leading direct mode software package which can be used with multiple SDRs. It is my main software for monitoring meteors using the SDRPlay series of SDRs because of its ability for various signal demodulations and sound tweaking. Only a Windows version is available. SDR Radio can be found here.


SDR Uno is a direct mode software package designed specifically for the SDRPlay series of SDRs. Despite it's extensive features I do not find it particularly good for meteor echo detection. Only a Windows version is available. SDR Uno can be found here.


FDM-SW2 is a direct mode software package designed specifically for the ELAD series of SDRs. It works great for meteor echo detection. I am still learning how to use it. Only a Windows version is available. 

Spectrum Lab

Spectrum Lab is a powerful software package, and can operate in either the direct mode with the proper drivers and libraries, or the indirect mode using an audio signal as its input. It has a steep learning curve and can be a bit temperamental (as in easily hung up) as it will allow settings totally out of line with hardware capability. However once it's dialed in it's rock solid. Only a Windows version is available. Spectrum Lab can be found here.


Echoes is a minimalist direct mode software package which only works with an RTL-SDR, specifically written for meteor detection. It has been around for a long time, relatively easy to set up, and is a great learning tool for meteor echo detection. It is one of the first software I used to learn about meteor echo detection. Both Windows and Linux versions are available. Echoes can be found here

SDR Angel

SDR Angel is direct and indirect mode software package. Despite being a relatively powerful package I have not seen it ever used for meteor detection, other than by me. It is rock solid and has never hung up on me. I use it for continuous (as in months) long term recording of meteor echoes using Meteor Logger. Both Windows and Linux versions are available. SDR Angel can be found here.


HROFFT is an indirect mode bare bones software package with very limited features, specifically written for meteor detection. However to me that makes it appealing. Originally written to operate under DOS, it now also operates in Windows. HROFFT can be found here.


ARGO is another indirect mode bare bones software package with very limited features. However again to me that makes is appealing. Only a Windows version is available. ARGO can be found here.


GQRX is another direct mode bare bones software package with limited features. Only a Linux version is available. GQRX can be found here.


Spectran is another indirect mode bare bones software package with limited features. Only a Windows version is available. Spectran can be found here.

I have tried all of these, and am probably forgetting some others :-)